Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Churches in Iasi - The Metropolitan Cathedral

Bishop Veniamin Costache is the one who had the idea of building in Iasi a monumental church. The plan for this church was designed by the architects Johann Freywald and Bucher. The works took place first between 1833-1839 and then between 1880-1887, this time following the plans of the Romanian architect, Alexandru Orascu. The painting of the cathedral was done by Gheorghe Tattarescu.

It was inaugurated on 23April 1887, at this event also taking part King Carol I and Bishop Iosif Naniescu.

In 1889 the relics of Saint Paraschiva were brought from Three Hierarchs Church to the new cathedral.



Ioana Chilu said...

autorii fotografiilor n-ar fi trebuit macar intrebati daca sunt de acord cu folosirea lor? eu una nu am fost intrebata, mi-a aratat cineva acest site.

Ioana Chilu said...

daca eram intrebata, puteam da si o rezolutie mai mare ;)


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