Friday, April 25, 2008

Complete List of restaurants in Iasi

Complete List of restaurants in Iasi

Bd. Nicolae Iorga, nr. 23 (zona Garii internationale)
Tel. 0232-42.49.58, 0745.10.46.54

I. Creanga 47, Tatarasi
Tel. 0232-27.43.54, 0722-25.72.86

Sos. Pacurari 55 - vis-a-vis de Esplanada
Tel. 0232-26.66.68, 0788-61.36.14

Specific pescaresc
Soseaua Nationala nr. 59
Tel. 0232-23.26.18

Specific mexican, italian, romanesc
Bd. T. Vladimirescu, Iulius Mall, et. 1
Tel. 0232-26.26.26

Restaurant Belvedere
Sos. Bucium 103A
Tel. 0232-25.88.42

Casa Bilius
Copou, Str. Topirceanu, nr.8
Tel. 0232-21.80.85

Casa Boiereasca
Sos. Bucium
Tel. 0232-23.26.53, 0741.15.71.65

Casa „Bolta Rece”
Specific moldovenesc
Str. Rece nr. 10
Tel. 21.22.55

Casa Lavric
Stradela Sf. Atanasie nr.21
Tel. 22.99.60

Casa Universitarilor
Bd. Carol I nr. 9
Tel. 26.40.53

Restaurant Ciric
Padurea Ciric
Tel. 27.23.72

Clubul Bursei
Al. Lapusneanu, nr. 5
Tel. 0232-27.09.04

Club OK
Bd. T. Vladimirescu nr. 115
Tel. 27.93.80

Club Pogor
Str. Pogor, nr. 4
Tel. 0232-24.30.06

Club RS
Specific romanesc, grecesc si mexican
Str. Fatu nr. 2A
Tel. 21.30.60

Club 99
Specific unguresc
Baza Sportiva CFR - Alexandru
Tel. 0232-24.27.77

Il Divino
Specific italian
A. Panu 28 - demisol (langa BRD)
Tel. 0232-21.11.24

Complete List of restaurants in Iasi

Parcul Expozitiei
Tel. 0232-26.20.52

Ginger Ale
Specific irlandez
Str. Saulescu nr. 23
Tel. 27.60.17

Specific grecesc
T.Vladimirescu - langa T19
Tel. 0740.33.12.59

Grigore Ureche 1-3, in spatele Tribunalului
Tel. 0745.28.68.09

La Cao
Specific chinezesc
Str. Arcu nr. 8
Tel. 22.46.21

Little Texas
Specific american
Stradela Moara de Vant nr.31-33
Tel. 0232-27.25.45

La Taifas
Str. Bucium nr.54B
Tel. 23.17.70

Plopii fara sot
Str. Plopii fara sot, nr.2
Tel. 0232-24.14.87

Campus Tudor Vladimirescu, in spatele caminului T15
Tel. 0745.64.08.24

Monte Carlo
Str. Gh. Asachi nr.1
Tel. 0232-21.65.03

Str. Bucium nr. 7
Tel. 23.38.70

La Pergola
Iulius Mall, parter
Tel. 0232-20.86.35

Str. Bucium, nr. 24
Tel. 0232-24.20.98

Popas Pacurari
DN 28 (Iasi-Tg.Frumos)
Tel. 25.33.33

Specific grecesc
Bd. Nicolae Iorga B6-B7
Tel. 0232-26.25.28

Trei Sarmale
Specific moldovenesc
Sos. Bucium nr. 52
Tel. 0232-23.72.55

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