Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hotels In Iasi

This is the (complete) list of the Hotels in Iasi, and their address.
I also put a link where i found the web site of the Hotel.

Grand HotelTraian (iasi. address Piata Unirii, 1)
Hotel Astoria ( iasi. address Lapusneanu, 1)
Hotel Continental (iasi. address Cuza Voda 4 )
HotelUnirea (iasi. address Piaţa Unirii, 5)
Hotel Amadeo ( Sos. Ungheni nr. 2)
Hotel Europa (iasi. address Anastasie Panu, 26)
Hotel Orizont (iasi. address Grigore Ureche 27)
Hotel Dorobanti Iasi ( Iasi. address : Vitejilor, 14-16)
Hotel Moldova ( iasi. address Anastasie Panu, 29 )
Hote Ciric (near Iasi, on your way to the airport Zona Agrement Ciric)
Hotel Little Texas (Iasi,on you way to the airport , Str. Moara de Vînt nr.31-33)
Hotel Municipal(iasi Bd. Independentei bl. D1-D2)
Hotel T23 ( Aleea prof. Vasile Petrescu 5A Campus Tudor Vladimirescu )

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