It was built between 1659-1670, is the oldest of Jewish praying houses in Romania . If in exterior it is very simple, without any decorations, the interior is as sophisticated as possible, decorated and gifted with valuable objects: chandeliers, candlesticks.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Churches in Iasi - Armenian Church
A true historical monument, this church testifies the existence of an important Armenian community in these parts of Romania . Restored in 1803, this halidom lodges an array of rocks with inscriptions, one of them certifying the beginnings of the building in 1385 by Macar.
In 1451 the church was endowed with a Gospel written and illustrated in Caffa from Crimeea, 100 years before.
Churches in Iasi - Catholic cathedral
The building of the old cathedral was first built from wood in 1753, on the place of an older church. Between 1782-1789, the church was rebuilt from brick and it remained so until these days. By the time, it suffered some restoration works, especially after the 1802’s earthquake and the blaze in 1827.
In 1861, at the initiative of bishop Iosif Salandri, some new works of restoration and extension were made and the interior of the church was painted by Giuseppe Carta from Palermo . White marble altars and via cruces icons were also brought. Today, near the old cathedral, one can see a new church, a very modern building, circular and which has in its central part an oblong spire finished by a cross.
churches in iasi St. Nichlolas(Sfantul Nicolae Domnesc)
It was built at the initiative of sovereign Stefan cel Mare between of June 1491- of August 1492. It is considered the oldest religious edifice preserved in Iasi until now.
The today’s church is that of 1904. The restoration works were led by the French architect Lecomte du Nouy. He tried to keep both the style and the characteristics of the church built by Stefan cel Mare.
Churches in Iasi - Sf. Spiridon church
Today’s “Saint Spiridon” Church was built between 1805-1807 on the place of an older and smaller church which was seriously damaged by the earthquake on 26th October 1802 . according to the rotive in the church porch, written in Romanian with Cyrillic letters and dating from 1847, on this place were also built, in time, other three churches. These ones suffered either because of some natural phenomena, either because of foreign occupation. The steeple tower of the church dates from 1786. Its architecture was influenced by the decorative elements of the Russian Baroque. In the inferior part of the steeple tower there are two water pumps with the sovereign’s mark on their frontispiece.
Churches in Iasi - “Saint Sava” Church
The first information concerning it dates from 1583 when a little church was built with the help of sprince Petru Schiopu. In 1625, boyar Enache Caragea built the present “Saint Sava” church, in Oriental style. Between 1676-1678, during prince Antonie Russet, the wall surrendering the monastery was built. Destroyed by time, the church was restored in two important steps: in 1820, when it was completely rebuilt and in 1844, when it was renewed. However, the monastery preserved its original Byzantine character of the 17, unique in the Moldavian architecture.
Churches in Iasi - Barnovschi Church
churches in iasi Galata Monastery
Frumoasa Monastery
Churches in Iasi - “Three Hierarchs” Monastery
“Three Hierarchs” Monastery is the most beautiful foundation of sovereign of Vasile Lupu, prince of Moldavia , built between 1637-1639.
During 1882-1904 restoration works took place under the supervision of the French architect Lecomte de Nouy. The exterior decorations completely covering the building were gilded at the beginning, and combine Turkish, Arab, Georgian, Armenian and Persian elements with Romanian architectural motives in a wonderful rock lace. Over 30 registers of decorative motifs can be noticed.
Inside the monastery, members of Vasile Lupu’s family, Dimitrie Cantemir and Alexandru Ioan Cuza are buried.
churches in Iasi Cetatuia Monastery
Cetatuia Monastery was built by sovereign Gheorghe Duca between 1669-1672. At the beginning, the church was surrounded by high rock walls, with bulwarks and a guard road, entrance and corner towers.
What makes Cetatuia unique is that it has maintained the whole ensemble of monastic architecture. On the Southern part of the precinct stands the Gothic Room “Doamna Anastasia”. The royal palace is a fortified building from the 17 century. The steeple tower and the massiveness of the walls are proving the fact that the monastery was conceived also as a refuge place, being in case of need, a real fortress.
The monastery’s church is specific for the religious Moldavian architecture of the 17century.
The monastic ensemble which was restored in the inter-war period at Nicolae Iorga’s request also includes a museum with numerous religious objects.
Churches in iasi golia monastery
Old foundation from the 16 century of chancellor Ioan Golia, the church was restored at other dimensions by sovereign Vasile Lupu between 1650-1653 and finished by his son, Stefanita Voda.
The monastery is surrounded by a high wall, with spires at the corners raised in 1667 and a steeple tower restored in 1900.
The tower of Golia is 30 m height. The visitor who wants to have a panorama of the city has to climb 120 stairs. The tower is one of city’s symbols.
During 1943-1947 restoration works took place at Golia, the monastery’s church being reopened after that.
In 1955, in two rooms on the Eastern part of the precinct, “Creanga” Museum was inaugurated, with documentary materials regarding the life of the great writer which was curate of monastery’s church.
Churches in Iasi - Barboi Church
Churches in Iasi - The Metropolitan Cathedral
Bishop Veniamin Costache is the one who had the idea of building in
It was inaugurated on 23April 1887, at this event also taking part King Carol I and Bishop Iosif Naniescu.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Events in IASI
Events in IASI
Texin - Clothes, Shoes and Leather Goods Fair
Camex - Construction Materials Fair
Azalea Exhibition (Botanical Gardens)
Tinimtexis -Clothes and Shoes Fair
National Showroom of Agriculture
Librex - Books National Fair
Lilac Festival
Festudis - Students Festival
Auto Style Show - equipments, accessories
Roses Exhibition (Botanical gardens)
Cucuteni 5000 - Traditional Ceramic Fair
Fête de la musique (French Cultural Centre)
Beer Festival
Catalina - Folk Festival
Bikers Party (Bucium)
Iasi Denta - Health, Pharmacy
Dancing Creation Festival
Iasi Medica - Health, Pharmacy
Infoex - telecommunication, IT
Trandafir de la Moldova - Folk Festival
Iasi Fests
Wine Festival
Chrysanthemum Exhibition (Botanical gardens)
Your House - Apartments, Furnishings and Interior Decoration
"Made in Iasi, for Romania" Showroom
Winter Folk Customs - International Folk Festival
Christmas Gifts Fair
Complete List of restaurants in Iasi
Complete List of restaurants in Iasi
Bd. Nicolae Iorga, nr. 23 (zona Garii internationale)
Tel. 0232-42.49.58, 0745.10.46.54
I. Creanga 47, Tatarasi
Tel. 0232-27.43.54, 0722-25.72.86
Sos. Pacurari 55 - vis-a-vis de Esplanada
Tel. 0232-26.66.68, 0788-61.36.14
Specific pescaresc
Soseaua Nationala nr. 59
Tel. 0232-23.26.18
Specific mexican, italian, romanesc
Bd. T. Vladimirescu, Iulius Mall, et. 1
Tel. 0232-26.26.26
Restaurant Belvedere
Sos. Bucium 103A
Tel. 0232-25.88.42
Casa Bilius
Copou, Str. Topirceanu, nr.8
Tel. 0232-21.80.85
Casa Boiereasca
Sos. Bucium
Tel. 0232-23.26.53, 0741.15.71.65
Casa „Bolta Rece”
Specific moldovenesc
Str. Rece nr. 10
Tel. 21.22.55
Casa Lavric
Stradela Sf. Atanasie nr.21
Tel. 22.99.60
Casa Universitarilor
Bd. Carol I nr. 9
Tel. 26.40.53
Restaurant Ciric
Padurea Ciric
Tel. 27.23.72
Clubul Bursei
Al. Lapusneanu, nr. 5
Tel. 0232-27.09.04
Club OK
Bd. T. Vladimirescu nr. 115
Tel. 27.93.80
Club Pogor
Str. Pogor, nr. 4
Tel. 0232-24.30.06
Club RS
Specific romanesc, grecesc si mexican
Str. Fatu nr. 2A
Tel. 21.30.60
Club 99
Specific unguresc
Baza Sportiva CFR - Alexandru
Tel. 0232-24.27.77
Il Divino
Specific italian
A. Panu 28 - demisol (langa BRD)
Tel. 0232-21.11.24
Parcul Expozitiei
Tel. 0232-26.20.52
Ginger Ale
Specific irlandez
Str. Saulescu nr. 23
Tel. 27.60.17
Specific grecesc
T.Vladimirescu - langa T19
Tel. 0740.33.12.59
Grigore Ureche 1-3, in spatele Tribunalului
Tel. 0745.28.68.09
La Cao
Specific chinezesc
Str. Arcu nr. 8
Tel. 22.46.21
Little Texas
Specific american
Stradela Moara de Vant nr.31-33
Tel. 0232-27.25.45
La Taifas
Str. Bucium nr.54B
Tel. 23.17.70
Plopii fara sot
Str. Plopii fara sot, nr.2
Tel. 0232-24.14.87
Campus Tudor Vladimirescu, in spatele caminului T15
Tel. 0745.64.08.24
Monte Carlo
Str. Gh. Asachi nr.1
Tel. 0232-21.65.03
Str. Bucium nr. 7
Tel. 23.38.70
La Pergola
Iulius Mall, parter
Tel. 0232-20.86.35
Str. Bucium, nr. 24
Tel. 0232-24.20.98
Popas Pacurari
DN 28 (Iasi-Tg.Frumos)
Tel. 25.33.33
Specific grecesc
Bd. Nicolae Iorga B6-B7
Tel. 0232-26.25.28
Trei Sarmale
Specific moldovenesc
Sos. Bucium nr. 52
Tel. 0232-23.72.55
Pension Iasi complete list
Pension Iasi complete list
Iasi Pension Institutul Ecumenic "Sf. Nicolae" (Str. Agatha Barsescu nr.9 Tel. 0232-27.60.77 ) religiois stuff
Iasi Pension Cristian ( Str. Cetatuia, nr. 1A Tel. 0232-24.23.63)
Iasi Pension Moldotour (Str. Florilor nr.17 Tel. 0232-21.73.70)
Iasi Pension Sabina (Str. Stejar nr.111 Tel. 0232-27.23.68)
Iasi Pension Hollyday (Str. Brandusa nr. 53 Tel. 0232-25.23.00)
Iasi Pension Casa boiereasca( Sos. Bucium Tel. 0232-23.26.53)
Iasi Pension La Palia ( Sos. Bucium nr. 51 Tel. 0332-440.236)
Iasi Pension Majestic ( Str. Petru Rares, nr. 7 Tel. 0232-25.55.57)
Iasi Pension Il Divino ( Sos. Iasi-Vaslui, km 6 Tel: 0232-211.124)
Iasi Pension Hanul Dacilor( Sos Bucium nr. 73G Tel: 0332-418.062)
Iasi Pension Villa Grande ( Str. Calarasi nr 14 Tel: 0232-220.000 Fax: 0232-220.000)
Al. I. Cuza University Picture
Al. I. Cuza University Iasi Picturehow many hours haven't I spent here just waiting for time to pass by with my friends thinking about ...nothing.
If you are in the area you can go at the students cafeteria (behind the university), cheap beer.
Low prices for young people with only 2 euros you eat for the entire day.
The Touristic Information Center Iasi
The Touristic Information Center Iasi
Informs the tourists, for free, about:
- the touristic objectives, the possibilities for the spare time, the excursions that can be made in and from the zone
- accomodation in Iasi, restaurants, discos and pubs
- the addresses and the visiting programs of the museums and of the memorial houses
- the cultural events taking place at Iasi
- the churches and the monasteries of Iasi
- the fairs and the exhibitions taking place at Iasi, program and participants
- recreational and walking places
The guidance of the tourists can be made both at the Touristic Information Center’s headquarter an by phone, fax or e-mail.
PR activities
Permanently up-dates the information
Collaborates with toursim agencies in order to create promotional informative materials
Coordinates and/or creates promotional materials
Coordinates the pubblication of some monographs or guidebooks of the city
Participates at touristic fairs and exhibitions form Romania or abroad
Sends touristic information to the tourism agencies or to some other institutions in the field
Coordinates the volunteer guides network
Initiates international collaboration projects in the field of tourism.
The team :
Anca Zota – head of the office
Lavinia Balan
Cristi Olaru
+40-232 – 261.990
Non Stop Pharmacies in Iasi
Hopefully you wont need this information.
Non Stop Pharmacies in Iasi
Rosmarin Pharmacy
Bd. T. Vladimirescu, Nr. 44
Telefon 0232/263365
Starfarm Pharmacy
Str. Primaverii, Nr. 2
Telefon 0232/232299
Viva Pharmacy
Str. Piata Unirii, Nr. 6
Telefon 0232/244870
How do I get to Iasi
How do I get to Iasi - by train
IASI Station
No.. | Train | Number | Arrival | Stopover | Departure | Track | Notes | ||
From | To | ||||||||
1 | I | 402-1 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | UNGHENI | 02.59 | 5 | 03.04 | 4A | |
2 | OS | 11663 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 04.40 | 1A | 10 | ||
3 | P | 6496 | TRUŞEŞTI | IAŞI | 05.19 | 5A | |||
4 | P | 6501 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 05.32 | 4A | 1 | ||
5 | R | 663 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 05.40 | 1A | |||
6 | P | 6452 | PAŞCANI | IAŞI | 05.55 | 3C | |||
7 | P | 6462 | HÂRLĂU | IAŞI | 06.21 | 3A | |||
8 | A | 1766 | TIMIŞOARA NORD | IAŞI | 06.28 | 2A | |||
9 | P | 6401 | BÂRLAD | IAŞI | 06.47 | 3A | |||
10 | P | 5522 | TÂRGU NEAMŢ | IAŞI | 07.22 | 3C | |||
11 | A | 1956 | BICAZ | IAŞI | 08.03 | 1A | |||
12 | P | 6503 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 08.17 | 3A | |||
13 | I | 1061 | UNGHENI | IAŞI | 09.10 | 1A | |||
14 | P | 6311 | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | IAŞI | 09.37 | 5A | |||
15 | P | 6411 | ROMAN | IAŞI | 09.53 | 4A | |||
16 | A | 1838 | TIMIŞOARA NORD | IAŞI | 10.02 | 3A | |||
17 | A | 1931 | GALAŢI | CLUJ NAPOCA | 10.32 | 20 | 10.52 | 1A | |
18 | P | 5406 | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | IAŞI | 10.32 | 2A | |||
19 | I | 1014 | RUSE | UNGHENI | 11.02 | 5 | 11.07 | 1A | 2 |
20 | P | 5524 | TÂRGU NEAMŢ | IAŞI | 12.20 | 3A | 3 | ||
21 | IC | 564 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 12.29 | 1A | 4 | ||
22 | P | 6403 | BÂRLAD | IAŞI | 13.51 | 5A | |||
23 | P | 5504 | SUCEAVA NORD | IAŞI | 14.06 | 1A | |||
24 | P | 6505 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 15.27 | 5A | 1 | ||
25 | P | 6492 | TRUŞEŞTI | IAŞI | 16.28 | 0C | |||
26 | P | 6464 | HÂRLĂU | IAŞI | 16.35 | 2A | |||
27 | P | 5408 | BACĂU | IAŞI | 17.18 | 2A | |||
28 | P | 6313 | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | IAŞI | 17.38 | 5A | |||
29 | I | 1015 | UNGHENI | RUSE | 17.49 | 2 | 17.51 | 2A | 5 |
30 | P | 5602 | PUTNA | IAŞI | 17.56 | 3A | |||
31 | A | 1932 | CLUJ NAPOCA | GALAŢI | 18.02 | 15 | 18.17 | 2A | |
32 | R | 661 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 18.38 | 1A | |||
33 | I | 1063 | UNGHENI | IAŞI | 18.58 | 2A | |||
34 | P | 6494 | DOROHOI | IAŞI | 20.01 | 0C | |||
35 | P | 6507 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 20.14 | 3A | |||
36 | R | 858 | VATRA DORNEI BĂI | IAŞI | 20.46 | 2A | |||
37 | R | 865 | GALAŢI | IAŞI | 20.51 | 1A | |||
38 | P | 6466 | HÂRLĂU | IAŞI | 21.19 | 3C | |||
39 | P | 6315 | TECUCI | IAŞI | 21.21 | 5A | |||
40 | A | 1834 | TIMIŞOARA NORD | IAŞI | 21.30 | 2C | |||
41 | A | 1861 | MANGALIA | IAŞI | 21.43 | 3A | 6 | ||
42 | P | 5508 | SUCEAVA NORD | IAŞI | 21.53 | 3C | |||
43 | P | 6413 | ROMAN | IAŞI | 22.35 | 3A | |||
44 | A | 1661 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 22.53 | 1A | |||
45 | A | 1552 | TIMIŞOARA NORD | IAŞI | 23.30 | 3C | 7 | ||
46 | IC | 561 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 23.43 | 1A | |||
47 | I | 401 | UNGHENI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 23.50 | 4 | 23.54 | 4A |
No. | Train | Number | Arrival | Stopover | Departure | Track | Notes | ||
From | To | ||||||||
1 | P | 6412 | IAŞI | ROMAN | 02.06 | 3A | |||
2 | I | 402-1 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | UNGHENI | 02.59 | 5 | 03.04 | 4A | |
3 | P | 6502 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 03.48 | 4A | 1 | ||
4 | P | 6312 | IAŞI | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | 05.00 | 5A | |||
5 | I | 1062 | IAŞI | UNGHENI | 05.05 | 4A | |||
6 | A | 1551 | IAŞI | TIMIŞOARA NORD | 05.12 | 2A | 7 | ||
7 | IC | 562 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 05.23 | 1A | |||
8 | P | 5601 | IAŞI | PUTNA | 05.30 | 3C | |||
9 | A | 1662 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 05.47 | 3A | |||
10 | P | 6461 | IAŞI | HÂRLĂU | 05.48 | 1C | |||
11 | P | 6491 | IAŞI | TRUŞEŞTI | 06.33 | 0C | |||
12 | P | 6504 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 06.36 | 4A | |||
13 | A | 1833 | IAŞI | TIMIŞOARA NORD | 06.45 | 2C | |||
14 | R | 866 | IAŞI | GALAŢI | 07.03 | 1A | |||
15 | P | 6451 | IAŞI | PAŞCANI | 07.10 | 3C | |||
16 | P | 6402 | IAŞI | BÂRLAD | 07.36 | 5A | |||
17 | R | 857 | IAŞI | VATRA DORNEI BĂI | 07.46 | 1A | |||
18 | P | 6453 | IAŞI | PAŞCANI | 08.40 | 3C | |||
19 | P | 6493 | IAŞI | DOROHOI | 10.12 | 0C | |||
20 | A | 1931 | GALAŢI | CLUJ NAPOCA | 10.32 | 20 | 10.52 | 1A | |
21 | I | 1014 | RUSE | UNGHENI | 11.02 | 5 | 11.07 | 4A | 2 |
22 | P | 6314 | IAŞI | TECUCI | 12.42 | 5A | |||
23 | I | 1064 | IAŞI | UNGHENI | 13.10 | 4A | |||
24 | P | 6455 | IAŞI | PAŞCANI | 13.10 | 3C | |||
25 | P | 6506 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 13.42 | 5A | 1 | ||
26 | P | 5407 | IAŞI | BACĂU | 14.27 | 3A | 8 | ||
27 | R | 662 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 14.55 | 2A | |||
28 | A | 1765 | IAŞI | TIMIŞOARA NORD | 15.06 | 2C | |||
29 | P | 6414 | IAŞI | ROMAN | 15.18 | 1A | |||
30 | OS | 11664 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 15.45 | 2A | 10 | ||
31 | IC | 563 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 16.32 | 1A | 4 | ||
32 | P | 5405 | IAŞI | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | 16.37 | 3C | |||
33 | P | 6316 | IAŞI | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | 16.39 | 4A | |||
34 | P | 6463 | IAŞI | HÂRLĂU | 16.42 | 1C | |||
35 | P | 6457 | IAŞI | PAŞCANI | 17.10 | 3A | 1 | ||
36 | I | 1015 | UNGHENI | RUSE | 17.49 | 2 | 17.51 | 2A | 5 |
37 | A | 1955 | IAŞI | BICAZ | 18.05 | 1A | |||
38 | A | 1932 | CLUJ NAPOCA | GALAŢI | 18.02 | 15 | 18.17 | 2A | |
39 | P | 6508 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 18.33 | 4A | |||
40 | P | 5527 | IAŞI | TÂRGU NEAMŢ | 18.55 | 1C | |||
41 | P | 6495 | IAŞI | TRUŞEŞTI | 19.30 | 0C | |||
42 | A | 1837 | IAŞI | TIMIŞOARA NORD | 19.41 | 2C | |||
43 | P | 6404 | IAŞI | BÂRLAD | 20.07 | 5A | |||
44 | P | 6459 | IAŞI | PAŞCANI | 20.30 | 1C | |||
45 | P | 6465 | IAŞI | HÂRLĂU | 21.00 | 3C | |||
46 | A | 1862 | IAŞI | MANGALIA | 22.45 | 4A | 9 | ||
47 | R | 664 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 23.37 | 2A | |||
48 | I | 401 | UNGHENI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 23.50 | 4 | 23.54 | 4A |
2 - Circulates every Wednesday between 13.06 - 12.09.2007
3 - Does not circulate from Pascani to Iasi on Saturday
4 - Circulates through Paşcani
5 - Circulates on Monday/Tuesday between 11/12.06 - 10/11.09.2007
6 - Circulates from Mangalia between 16/17.06 - 17/18.09.2007, otherwise from Constanta
7 - Circulates through Adjud
8 - Does not circulate from Iaşi to Paşcani on Saturdays
9 - Circulates to Mangalia between 15/16.06 - 16/17.09.2007, otherwise to Constanţa
10 - Circulates only with Special Order
I - International IC - Intercity R - Rapid A - Accelerat P - Tren de persoane OS - Ordin special
Nicolina Station
No. | Train | Number | Arrival | Stopover | Departure | Track | Notes | ||
From | To | ||||||||
1 | P | 6412 | IAŞI | ROMAN | 02.11 | 1 | 02.12 | 4 | |
2 | I | 402/402-1 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | UNGHENI | 03.10 | 61 | 04.11 | 1 | |
3 | P | 6502 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 03.53 | 1 | 03.54 | 4 | 1 |
4 | OS | 11663 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 04.32 | 3 | 04.35 | 3 | 6 |
5 | P | 6312 | IAŞI | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | 05.05 | 1 | 05.06 | 4 | |
6 | I | 1062 | IAŞI | UNGHENI | 05.10 | 42 | 05.52 | 1 | |
7 | IC | 562 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 05.27 | 1 | 05.28 | 4 | |
8 | P | 6501 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 05.26 | 1 | 05.27 | 3 | 1 |
9 | R | 663 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 05.32 | 3 | 05.35 | 3 | |
10 | A | 1662 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 05.52 | 2 | 05.54 | 4 | |
11 | P | 6401 | BÂRLAD | IAŞI | 06.41 | 1 | 06.42 | 3 | |
12 | P | 6504 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 06.41 | 3 | 06.44 | 4 | |
13 | R | 866 | IAŞI | GALAŢI | 07.07 | 1 | 07.08 | 4 | |
14 | P | 6402 | IAŞI | BÂRLAD | 07.41 | 1 | 07.42 | 4 | |
15 | P | 6503 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 08.11 | 1 | 08.12 | 3 | |
16 | I | 1061 | UNGHENI | IAŞI | 08.40 | 25 | 09.05 | 1 | |
17 | P | 6311 | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | IAŞI | 09.30 | 2 | 09.32 | 3 | |
18 | P | 6411 | ROMAN | IAŞI | 09.47 | 1 | 09.48 | 3 | |
19 | A | 1931 | GALAŢI | CLUJ NAPOCA | 10.25 | 2 | 10.27 | 3 | |
20 | I | 1014/1014-1 | RUSE | UNGHENI | 11.13 | 49 | 12.02 | 1 | 2 |
21 | P | 6314 | IAŞI | TECUCI | 12.47 | 1 | 12.48 | 4 | |
22 | I | 1064 | IAŞI | UNGHENI | 13.15 | 50 | 14.05 | 1 | |
23 | P | 6403 | BÂRLAD | IAŞI | 13.44 | 2 | 13.46 | 3 | |
24 | P | 6506 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 13.47 | 1 | 13.48 | 4 | 1 |
25 | R | 662 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 15.00 | 2 | 15.02 | 4 | |
26 | P | 6505 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 15.21 | 1 | 15.22 | 3 | 1 |
27 | P | 6414 | IAŞI | ROMAN | 15.23 | 2 | 15.25 | 4 | |
28 | OS | 11664 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 15.50 | 2 | 15.52 | 4 | 6 |
29 | P | 6316 | IAŞI | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | 16.44 | 1 | 16.45 | 4 | |
30 | I | 1015/1015-2 | UNGHENI | RUSE | 17.14 | 30 | 17.44 | 1 | 3 |
31 | P | 6313 | MĂRĂŞEŞTI | IAŞI | 17.32 | 1 | 17.33 | 3 | |
32 | A | 1932 | CLUJ NAPOCA | GALAŢI | 18.22 | 1 | 18.23 | 4 | |
33 | I | 1063 | UNGHENI | IAŞI | 18.25 | 28 | 18.53 | 1 | |
34 | R | 661 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 18.31 | 2 | 18.33 | 3 | |
35 | P | 6508 | IAŞI | UNGHENI PRUT | 18.38 | 1 | 18.39 | 4 | |
36 | P | 6507 | UNGHENI PRUT | IAŞI | 20.08 | 1 | 20.09 | 3 | |
37 | P | 6404 | IAŞI | BÂRLAD | 20.12 | 2 | 20.14 | 4 | |
38 | R | 865 | GALAŢI | IAŞI | 20.46 | 1 | 20.47 | 3 | |
39 | P | 6315 | TECUCI | IAŞI | 21.15 | 1 | 21.16 | 3 | |
40 | A | 1861 | MANGALIA | IAŞI | 21.36 | 2 | 21.38 | 3 | 4 |
41 | I | 401/401-2 | UNGHENI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 21.54 | 111 | 23.45 | 1 | |
42 | P | 6413 | ROMAN | IAŞI | 22.29 | 1 | 22.30 | 3 | |
43 | A | 1661 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 22.47 | 1 | 22.48 | 3 | |
44 | A | 1862 | IAŞI | MANGALIA | 22.50 | 2 | 22.52 | 4 | 5 |
45 | IC | 561 | BUCUREŞTI NORD | IAŞI | 23.38 | 1 | 23.39 | 3 | |
46 | R | 664 | IAŞI | BUCUREŞTI NORD | 23.42 | 2 | 23.44 | 4 |
1 - Does not circulate on Staurdays and Sundays 2 - Circulates every Wednesday between 13.06 - 12.09.2007 3 - Circulates on Monday/Tuesday between 11/12.06 - 10/11.09.2007 4 - Circulates from Mangalia between 16/17.06 - 17/18.09.2007, otherwise from Constanţa 5 - Circulates to Mangalia between 15/16.06 - 16/17.09.2007, otherwise to Constanţa 6 - Circulates only with Special Order |
Legend: |
How do I get to Iasi
How do I get to Iasi - By Bus
Iasi Vest Station
From: Radauti, Deva, Botosani
Tel: 0232-214.720
“Vama Veche” Station
1. GuraHumorului; Tg.Mures; Bacau-Moinesti-Comanesti; Focsani; Erbiceni-Belcesti
Tel: 0747-894.112
2. Focsani-Tecuci; Sascut
Tel: 0788-155.831
3. Bucuresti
Tel: 0788-408.299
4. Roman-Piatra Neamt; Bicaz
Tel: 0745-884.042
5. Tg.Neamt; Piatra Neamt; Husi; Suceava; Radauti
Tel: 0232-235.850
6. Vaslui-Barlad-Galati-Tulcea-Constanta; Cornu Luncii-Bistrita; Slanic Moldova
Tel: 0722-142.173, 0722-602.305, 0722-522.964
How do I get to Iasi - By Plane
Flights program of Austrian
Routes | Day of the flight | Departure | Arrival |
Iasi – Viena | 1,2,3,4,5,7 | 14:25 | 15:00 |
Viena – Iasi | 1,2,3,4,5,7 | 10:25 | 12:55 |
1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday, 4-Thursday, 5-Friday, 6-Saturday, 7-Sunday
Flights program of Carpatair
Day of the flight | Iasi | Timisoara | Timisoara | Iasi |
Departure | Arrival | Departure | Arrival | |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 08:00 | 15:45 | 17:00 |
Italia | To Italia | From Italia | |||
Destination | Day of flight | Departure | Arrival | Departure | Arrival |
Ancona | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:30 | 11:25 | 17:00 |
Milano - Bergamo | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:10 | 11:30 | 17:00 |
Bologna | 2, 4, 6 | 06:45 | 09:45 | 11:25 | 17:00 |
Florenta | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:25 | 11:30 | 17:00 |
Roma | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:20 | 11:15 | 17:00 |
Torino | 1,3,5 | 06:45 | 10:20 | 11:10 | 17:00 |
Venetia | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:10 | 11:35 | 17:00 |
Verona | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:15 | 11:20 | 17:00 |
1-Luni, 2-Marti, 3-Miercuri, 4-Joi, 5-Vineri, 6-Sambata, 7-Duminica
Germania | To Germany | From Germany | |||
Destinatie | Zile operare | Plecare | Sosire | Plecare | Sosire |
Dusseldorf | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:25 | 11:15 | 17:00 |
Munchen | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:35 | 11:50 | 17:00 |
Stuttgart | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | 06:45 | 10:25 | 11:20 | 17:00 |
1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday, 4-Thursday, 5-Friday, 6-Saturday, 7-Sunday
Flights program of Tarom
Every day | 2,6 | 3,7 | 1,4,5 | |||||
Departure | Arrival | Departure | Arrival | Departure | Arrival | Departure | Arrival | |
Iasi – | 06:45 | 07:50 | 14:20 | 15:25 | 16:05 | 17:10 | 18:45 | 19:50 |
Bucuresti (Otopeni) – | 20:45 | 21:50 | 12:55 | 14:00 | 14:40 | 15:45 | 17:20 | 18:25 |
1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday, 4-Thursday, 5-Friday, 6-Saturday, 7-Sunday