Sunday, May 11, 2008

Theatre Festival In Iasi 9-15 may 2008

Theater Festival In Iasi 9-15 may 2008

Festival Theatre

Locatie: Ateneul Tatarasi, Teatrul Luceafarul, Casa de Cultura a Studentilor Location: Athenaeum Tatarasi, Luceafarul Theatre, Cultural Students
Data: 19 - 25.05.2008 Date: 19 - 25.05.2008
Pret: - Price: --
Web: Web:
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"Through the festival theatre Iasi make Euro-Art want to bring in the halls of theater people who" forgot "to do so in May. I wish very much that the pilot edition this year will be an even more successful. It's a dream beautiful that should be permanentizeze and Iasi make Euro-Art could become a powerful brand of the city.
The event should be taken as an edition began a long story, a success story. It is important that the festival begins now and has not been postponed to a date.
The festival is addressed to all lovers of art, but not hide the fact that trying to bring in the halls shows how many young people. " In this sense, they propose some wonderful performances, the actors playing very young. "
Adi Afteni, festival director

Luni, 19 mai Monday, May 19

Atheneum Tatarasi at 18:00
Universitatea “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj "Babes-Bolyai" Cluj
“Amor venetian” "Amor venetian"

ora 20:00 Theatre "Luceafarul" at 20:00
Production UNITER
Ion Caramitru and Jonny Raducanu
"Dialogues and Fantasy in jazz"

Casa de Cultura a Studentilor at 22:00
, Bucuresti National Theatre "IL Caragiale", Bucharest
“Sanziana si Pepelea”

Marti, 20 mai Tuesday, May 20

Atheneum Tatarasi at 18:00
Facultatea de Teatru, Chisinau Department of Theatre, Kishinev

Theatre "Luceafarul" at 20:00
, Bucuresti The Theatre "D'AYA, Bucharest
“Dragostea dureaza 3 ani” "Love lasts 3 years"

Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, at 22:00
Comedy Theatre Bucharest
“Dumnezeul de a doua zi" "God of the second day"

Wednesday, May 21

Atheneum Tatarasi at 18:00
University of Arts "George Enescu" Iasi, the Department of Theatre
"Request in marriage"

Theatre "Luceafarul" at 20:00
Theatre "Nottara", Bucharest
“Variatiuni enigmatice” "Variations enigmatice"

Casa de Cultura a Studentilor at 22:00
Theatre "Metropolis" Bucharest
"No One"

Joi, 22 mai Thursday, May 22

Atheneum Tatarasi at 18:00
National University of Theater and Film Arts, Bucharest
“A douasprezecea noapte” "A night douasprezecea"

Theatre "Luceafarul" at 20:00
Teatrul de Stat, Oradea State Theatre, Oradea
“Comedie pe intuneric” "Comedy in the darkness"

Casa de Cultura a Studentilor at 22:00
Teatrul National “Marin Sorescu”, Craiova National Theatre "Marin Sorescu," Craiova
“Canta maica-mea in far” "Play-maica far in my"

Vineri, 23 mai Friday, May 23

Atheneum Tatarasi at 18:00
Universitatea Craiova, Facultatea de Litere, Dep. Universitatea Craiova, Faculty of Letters, Dep de Arta Teatrala Art Theater
“Povesti de familie” "Canadian family"

Theatre "Luceafarul" at 20:00
Teatrul “Mihai Eminescu”, Botosani Theatre "Mihai Eminescu," Butterworth
“Visul unei nopti de vara” "Dream of Summer Nights"

Casa de Cultura a Studentilor at 22:00
Teatrul National “Vasile Alecsandri”, Iasi National Theatre "Vasile Alecsandri", Iasi
“Nevasta lui Hans sau Ce sa caute un inger in orasul asta” "Nevasta What's Hans or to seek an angel in this town"

Sambata, 24 mai Saturday, May 24

Atheneum Tatarasi at 18:00
Universitatea de Arte “George Enescu” Iasi, Departamentul Teatru University of Arts "George Enescu" Iasi, the Department of Theatre
“Mistretul cu colti de argint” "Mistretul with silver colti"

Theatre "Luceafarul" at 20:00
Teatrul “ApARTe”, Moscova Theatre "ApARTe", Moscow
“Sotia din Sahalin” "Wife of Sahalin"

Casa de Cultura a Studentilor at 22:00
Teatrul “Act”, Bucuresti Theatre "Act", Bucharest

“Capra sau Cine e Sylvia?” "Goat or Who is Sylvia?"

Duminica, 25 mai Sunday, May 25

Atheneum Tatarasi at 18:00
Universitatea de Arta Teatrala, Tg. University of Dramatic Art, Tg. Mures
“Fantomele Madridului” "Fantomele Madrid"

Theatre "Luceafarul" at 20:00
Teatrul “ApARTe”, Moscova Theatre "ApARTe", Moscow
“Dupa caderea cortinei” "After the curtain falls"

Casa de Cultura a Studentilorat 22:00
Teatrul “Act”, Bucuresti Theatre "Act", Bucharest
“Capra sau Cine e Sylvia?” "Goat or Who is Sylvia?"

1 comment:

madalina morariu said...

Am incercat sa cumpar bilete penru spectacolele de la Casa Studentilor, pentru 19 mai, si nimeni nu stie nimic despre bilete, unde se vand, cine le vinde. Este o dezordine crasa pentru un festival cu nume celebre si trupe de teatru valoroase. Pacat! Silvia


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