Friday, May 30, 2008

elections in iasi! over

I am so glad that today is the last day of campaign in Iasi, at least for first round.
I just had enough of the posters all around the city, a lot of promises, and a lot of blame these days.
The actual mayor did everything he could to have the city's sympathy to get another mandate for the city hall, but we all noticed the difference and i think we didn't fall for that.

I dunno who i am gonna vote with...
Adomnitei... don't think so
Oprea...I don't now

these are the first three candidates that have the best chances to win.
so i guess we will find out sunday!


Unknown said...

Hello- I just stumbled upon your blog when I was trying to find out more information about the festival this weekend. Just curious if you're a romanian or an international living in Iasi? I am an American living in Iasi and always like to meet other internationals, and romanians too... though I work mostly with international students at UMF. Anyhow, just thought I'd say hi!

Ion Stefanovici said...


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